Our Policies & Procedures

In accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Safeguarding and Welfare requirements, we have policies and procedures in place at our pre-school to ensure the safety and well-being of all our staff, our children and their parents and carers.

There are 11 areas within the Safeguarding and Welfare requirements and each policy relates to one of these areas.  All our policies and procedures are reviewed and updated yearly, using the Early Year's Alliance guidance and updates.

We aim to make our policies and procedures accessible to all users of our pre-school; to view each policy, click on one of the numbered headings listed above.  This will take you to a subpage where each policy can be viewed in a PDF format.

If you have any questions or queries regarding our policies and procedures, please speak to a member of staff.


Operational Plan

Our operational plan explains more about our pre-school and how we operate.  A paper copy of the plan can be found in the foyer area outside the main pre-school hall.


St John's Playtime Pre-school, St John's UR Church, Cowper Street, Ipswich, IP4 5JD    

(01473) 716831     Registered Charity: 1027030      Ofsted Registered: 251650